Addressing a Histamine Intolerance With Intoleran

The Health Brand's Digestive Products Help Process Histamine and Improve Natural DAO Production
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Aug. 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Histamine intolerance is a relatively new medical subject. One of its critical components, the Diamine Oxidase (or DAO) enzyme that helps break down histamine in the body, wasn't even discovered until 1929. Even then, the concept of histamine intolerance wasn't properly outlined until early in the 21st century.
Since then, the condition has received a growing amount of attention. It's already estimated that 1-3% of the global population could be intolerant to the biogenic amine, with that number expected to rise as more research is completed. As with all intolerances, the inability of the body to break down histamine isn't as serious as a food allergy. However, it can lead to a variety of unpleasant symptoms, from headaches and fatigue to nasal congestion, digestive concerns, and abdominal cramping.
Dutch health brand Intoleran has created a two-part response to the issue of histamine intolerance. The company's cozidase supplement includes a combination of key vitamins and minerals that help boost DAO production in the body. Together, copper and zinc as well as vitamins C and B6 work together to stimulate natural DAO production.
In addition, the brand has created a pair of DAO-titled products. Its DAO mini purely contains the DAO enzyme. DAO plus comes with the enzyme as well as vitamin C and quercetin, which aid in lowering histamine levels in the body. In either case, when ingested orally before or while eating foods that are high in histamines, these can help break down the chemical in the digestive tract and avoid symptoms. Cozidase is imminently available in the U.S. (Intoleran is completing the process of entering the North American market) while the pair of DAO products will follow soon afterward.
"We are learning more about histamine intolerance every day," says Intoleran owner Harmen Treep, "Our team of dietician specialists is working hard to ensure that our histamine products provide the same level of relief as any of our other intolerance-focused product lines. As with everything the Intoleran team does, the goal here is simple: we want everyone to enjoy food again without any of the nasty consequences of food intolerances."
About Intoleran: Intoleran was founded in the Netherlands in 2008. The Dutch health brand specializes in creating enzyme-based supplements that address a variety of food intolerances, including lactose, fructose, fructans, galactans, and sucrose. Intoleran products assist the digestive system by helping to properly digest food and, consequently, avoid many of the unpleasant side effects that come from food intolerances. In order to preserve quality and effectiveness, Intoleran only uses ingredients necessary for the effect of the supplements and no unnecessary additives. This allows as many people as possible to use the products without unwanted side effects. Learn more at
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Anderson Spaur
(954) 613-7822
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SOURCE Intoleran