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A Phase I Randomized, Observer-blind, Controlled, Dose Escalation Trial of the Safety and Tolerability of a Single Intramuscular Dose of a PAL Adjuvant (FB-631) Co-administered With Seasonal TIV (2013-2014) in Healthy Adults.
This is a phase 1, research study is looking at the safety and acceptability of a new vaccine adjuvant (immune booster) called PAL when combined with the seasonal flu vaccine (Fluviral) to test the safety and effectiveness of new vaccines and medications on healthy volunteers.
The study will enroll approximately 48 healthy adult participants, and occur over 3 years. In the first six months/180 days of the study participants will have visits to the study site during which safety and immunogenicity outcomes will be measured. From Day 181 to Year 3, participants will be contacted by telephone or email to collect information on any adverse events.
100 项与 Folia Biotech, Inc. 相关的临床结果
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100 项与 Folia Biotech, Inc. 相关的转化医学