β-alanine (BA), being a non-proteinogenic amino acid, is an important constituent
of L-carnosine (LC), which is necessary for maintaining the muscle buffering capacity
and preventing a loss of muscle mass associated with aging effects. BA is also
very important for normal human metabolism due to the formation of a part of pantothenate,
which is incorporated into coenzyme A. BA is synthesized in the liver, and its combination
with histidine results in the formation of LC, which accumulates in the muscles
and brain tissues and has a well-defined physiological role as a good buffer for the pH
range of muscles that caused its rapidly increased popularity as ergogenic support to
sports performance. The main antioxidant mechanisms of LC include reactive oxygen
species (ROS) scavenging and chelation of metal ions. With age, the buffering capacity
of muscles also declines due to reduced concentration of LC and sarcopenia. Moreover,
LC acts as an antiglycation agent, ultimately reducing the development of degenerative
diseases. LC has an anti-inflammatory effect in autoimmune diseases such as osteoarthritis.
As histidine is always present in the human body in higher concentrations than BA,
humans have to get BA from dietary sources to support the required amount of this critical
constituent to supply the necessary amount of LC synthesis. Also, BA has other beneficial
effects, such as preventing skin aging and intestinal damage, improving the stress--
fighting capability of the muscle cells, and managing an age-related decline in memory
and learning. In this review, the results of a detailed analysis of the role and various beneficial
properties of BA and LC from the anti-aging perspective are presented.