Non-interventional study to capture data on the use of a VWF/FVIII concentrate (wilate®) in all clinical settings of von Willebrand disease including health-related quality of life
Prevention of bleeding in haemophilia A by prophylactic treatment with Octanate®, Wilate®, Nuwiq®: a prospective, multi-national, non-interventional study to evaluate routine practice prophylactic treatment schedules – NIS-Previq
2023-02-01·GTH Congress 2023 – 67th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research – The patient as a benchmark
A snapshot analysis of a prospective, non-interventional study to evaluate real-life prophylactic treatment schedules of factor VIII concentrates
作者: Oldenburg, J ; Wenning, S ; Seeger, S ; Feddern, J ; Halimeh, S ; Behnisch, W ; Klamroth, R ; Escuriola, C
2019-02-01·Science meets clinical practice
Haemophilia A Prophylaxis with FVIII in Real-life: Snapshot Analysis on the Observational Study “Prevention of Bleeding in Haemophilia A by Prophylactic Treatment with Octanate®, Wilate® or Nuwiq® - NIS Previq”
作者: Klamroth, R. ; Seeger, S. ; Wenning, S. ; Feddern, J. ; Scholz, U. ; Huth-Kühne, A. ; Escuriola-Ettingshausen, C. ; Oldenburg, J. ; Halimeh, S.
2019-02-01·Science meets clinical practice
Interim Results of a Non-interventional Study on Efficacy and Tolerability of a VWF/FVIII Concentrate in von Willebrand's Disease
作者: Kadar, J. ; Alesci, S. ; Lang, T. ; Rieke, M. ; Halimeh, S. ; Seeger, S. ; Koscielny, J. ; Feddern, J. ; von Depka, M. ; Daoud, M. ; Dempfle, C.-E.