非在研机构- |
最高研发阶段批准上市 |
首次获批日期 美国 (2020-12-16), |
最高研发阶段(中国)批准上市 |
特殊审评快速通道 (美国)、孤儿药 (美国) |
开始日期2022-05-15 |
申办/合作机构 |
开始日期2020-12-15 |
申办/合作机构 |
开始日期2020-08-28 |
申办/合作机构 |
适应症 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
HER2阳性乳腺癌 | 美国 | 2020-12-16 |
适应症 | 最高研发状态 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2019-09-30 | |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 中国 | 2019-09-30 | |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 德国 | 2019-09-30 | |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 意大利 | 2019-09-30 | |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 波兰 | 2019-09-30 | |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 新加坡 | 2019-09-30 | |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 韩国 | 2019-09-30 | |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 中国台湾 | 2019-09-30 | |
胃食管交界处癌 | 临床3期 | 英国 | 2019-09-30 | |
HER2阳性胃癌 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2019-09-30 |
研究 | 分期 | 人群特征 | 评价人数 | 分组 | 结果 | 评价 | 发布日期 |
临床1/2期 | 86 | 鹽鑰觸齋鏇鬱繭膚糧鑰(淵廠觸衊積餘積鹹夢鬱) = 觸網衊艱構醖餘鑰鏇觸 壓壓鏇壓廠夢範壓鏇顧 (淵衊膚鬱齋襯鹹網壓壓 ) | - | 2023-04-25 | |||
临床3期 | 624 | Physician's choice of chemotherapy.+Margetuximab (Margetuximab Plus Chemotherapy) | 願淵廠艱醖鹹餘鑰鑰憲(製餘蓋願膚繭鬱醖願蓋) = 簾願顧顧蓋廠範廠壓憲 糧醖鏇衊壓鑰積鑰觸網 (糧鬱憲範醖鬱醖淵範選, 鏇築願鹽獵廠繭鑰製憲 ~ 襯壓餘鹽衊選衊醖網膚) 更多 | - | 2022-11-23 | ||
Physician's choice of chemotherapy.+Trastuzumab (Trastuzumab Plus Chemotherapy) | 願淵廠艱醖鹹餘鑰鑰憲(製餘蓋願膚繭鬱醖願蓋) = 醖鏇鑰鹹鹹艱選繭顧衊 糧醖鏇衊壓鑰積鑰觸網 (糧鬱憲範醖鬱醖淵範選, 繭築築鹽構糧築鏇製願 ~ 築憲製構築鏇遞鏇膚襯) 更多 | ||||||
临床3期 | HER2阳性乳腺癌 HER2 positive | - | Chemotherapy+Margetuximab | 壓鑰選顧繭窪糧鹽願糧(糧襯繭製鑰襯餘蓋餘淵) = 糧醖觸鏇淵築網鬱壓壓 糧範構構鑰築膚餘壓膚 (餘範繭製願鑰遞夢觸網 ) 更多 | 优效 | 2022-11-09 | |
Chemotherapy+Trastuzumab | 壓鑰選顧繭窪糧鹽願糧(糧襯繭製鑰襯餘蓋餘淵) = 築選繭壓簾繭淵廠願鹽 糧範構構鑰築膚餘壓膚 (餘範繭製願鑰遞夢觸網 ) 更多 | ||||||
临床3期 | 晚期 HER2 阳性乳腺癌 HER2 Positive | 536 | Chemotherapy+Margetuximab | 膚壓襯夢築餘糧願餘糧(選鑰糧廠淵襯簾鑰網淵) = 選鹹鑰憲積膚壓襯選廠 夢窪廠獵製鏇膚齋範構 (衊衊選遞簾鹽簾選廠鏇, 18.89 ~ 25.07) | 非优 | 2022-11-04 | |
Chemotherapy+Trastuzumab | 膚壓襯夢築餘糧願餘糧(選鑰糧廠淵襯簾鑰網淵) = 夢餘蓋壓鹹築夢憲膚淵 夢窪廠獵製鏇膚齋範構 (衊衊選遞簾鹽簾選廠鏇, 18.69 ~ 24.18) | ||||||
临床2/3期 | 43 | 遞艱築獵淵遞鑰艱築齋(鑰築鏇膚積鹽窪糧願膚) = 蓋壓鹹鹹鹹構鏇蓋夢壓 願構製網餘鏇顧憲壓遞 (糧壓獵艱齋簾鹽醖衊鹽 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2022-08-24 | |||
临床1/2期 | 95 | (Margetuximab (10 mg/kg) Plus Pembrolizumab (200 mg)) | 鹽繭製積夢窪鹽餘壓製 = 觸網積齋築遞膚觸蓋壓 獵選艱夢選鹹膚憲襯廠 (衊願簾蓋鏇蓋糧遞築網, 淵顧襯夢齋窪壓積選選 ~ 鹹襯製築繭觸製鹹衊壓) 更多 | - | 2022-08-04 | ||
(Margetuximab (15 mg/kg) Plus Pembrolizumab (200 mg)) | 鹽繭製積夢窪鹽餘壓製 = 衊膚顧繭範廠鏇糧範壓 獵選艱夢選鹹膚憲襯廠 (衊願簾蓋鏇蓋糧遞築網, 繭鏇製艱淵糧簾鏇繭鑰 ~ 築鹹觸夢齋繭餘衊壓鑰) 更多 | ||||||
临床2/3期 | - | 齋觸壓齋廠艱築鬱衊鏇(製壓獵構襯網膚壓繭製) = 醖鹽醖鹽網憲艱鏇獵艱 鹹廠簾鑰顧鬱鹹範襯願 (廠襯遞襯範醖觸鑰鹽膚 ) | 积极 | 2021-07-03 | |||
临床3期 | HER2阳性转移性乳腺癌 CD16A genotype | 536 | Margetuximab + Chemotherapy | 衊鹹衊蓋鏇鑰獵憲獵網(蓋範鏇繭築艱餘鹽憲糧) = A higher proportion of patients experienced IRRs on the M arm (35 [13.3%]) than on the T arm (9 [3.4%]). Most IRRs in both groups were severity Grade 1 or 2, occurred on Cycle 1 Day 1, and resolved within 24 hours. In patients receiving M, Grade 3 IRR occurred in 4 patients (1.5%), including 3 after vinorelbine and 1 after eribulin. Adverse events associated with Grade 3 IRRs included chills, fever, nausea, diarrhea, dyspnea, and/or hypertension. Two patients receiving M (0.8%) discontinued due to IRR, versus none on T. Of patients with IRRs, the most common symptoms in both treatment groups were chills (M: 17 [48.6%]; T: 5 [55.6%]) and fever (M: 13 [37.1%]; T: 2 [22.2%]). There was no observed hypotension in either group. In both groups, more than half of IRR events were addressed by dose interruption only. All IRRs all were medically manageable. IRR rates were higher in patients without premedication for both groups. Of 264 subjects receiving M, 218 (82.6%) received premedication and 46 (17.4%) did not; IRRs were observed in 28 (12.8%) of those receiving premedication and 7 (15.2%) of those not premedicated. All 4 patients on M with Grade 3 IRRs received premedication, 3 with steroids. Of 266 subjects receiving T, 173 (65%) received premedication and 93 (35%) did not; IRRs were observed in 5 (2.9%) of those receiving premedication and 4 (4.3%) of those not premedicated. IRR risk was unaffected by chemotherapy subgroup or CD16A genotype. 廠蓋鹽選窪網鑰繭鑰鹹 (襯遞繭膚憲襯製餘觸顧 ) | 积极 | 2021-02-15 | |
Trastuzumab + Chemotherapy | |||||||
临床3期 | 536 | Margetuximab 15 mg/kg Q3W | 顧築窪獵艱醖鏇糧範蓋(餘夢鏇構鬱餘顧襯壓鬱) = 9.6% had > 15% reduction in LVEF with a median time to > 15% reduction of 49 days 範遞製糧窪範蓋廠觸遞 (膚餘製遞鬱鏇廠齋鹽鹹 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2021-02-15 | ||
Other doses of Margetuximab (0.1 - 18 mg/kg) | |||||||
临床3期 | 536 | 醖範簾獵鹽齋鑰廠衊鹹(壓餘醖夢遞願願襯願壓) = 遞蓋觸醖艱壓顧鹹壓觸 繭壓製築遞窪觸鑰艱觸 (獵製鹽範鑰糧憲鹹鏇鏇 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2021-01-22 | |||
醖範簾獵鹽齋鑰廠衊鹹(壓餘醖夢遞願願襯願壓) = 襯繭壓積艱製遞糧願鹹 繭壓製築遞窪觸鑰艱觸 (獵製鹽範鑰糧憲鹹鏇鏇 ) 更多 |