药物类型 小分子化药 |
别名 FINGOLIMOD、Fingolimod hydrochloride (JAN/USAN)、Gilenia + [11] |
作用机制 EDG6调节剂(鞘氨醇-1-磷酸受体-Edg-6调节剂)、S1PR1调节剂(鞘氨醇-1-磷酸受体-Edg-1调节剂)、S1PR3调节剂(鞘氨醇-1-磷酸受体-Edg-3调节剂) |
非在研适应症 |
非在研机构- |
最高研发阶段批准上市 |
首次获批日期 美国 (2010-09-21), |
最高研发阶段(中国)批准上市 |
特殊审评突破性疗法 (美国)、孤儿药 (欧盟)、优先审评 (中国)、孤儿药 (日本)、孤儿药 (韩国)、临床急需境外新药 (中国)、孤儿药 (美国) |
分子式C19H34ClNO2 |
CAS号162359-56-0 |
开始日期2024-11-30 |
开始日期2024-08-22 |
开始日期2024-01-30 |
申办/合作机构- |
适应症 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
复发-缓解型多发性硬化 | 欧盟 | 2011-03-17 | |
复发-缓解型多发性硬化 | 冰岛 | 2011-03-17 | |
复发-缓解型多发性硬化 | 列支敦士登 | 2011-03-17 | |
复发-缓解型多发性硬化 | 挪威 | 2011-03-17 | |
多发性硬化症 | 澳大利亚 | 2011-02-01 | |
复发性多发性硬化 | 美国 | 2010-09-21 |
适应症 | 最高研发状态 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 澳大利亚 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 比利时 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 加拿大 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 捷克 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 丹麦 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 芬兰 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 法国 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 德国 | 2008-07-28 | |
原发性进行性多发性硬化 | 临床3期 | 匈牙利 | 2008-07-28 |
研究 | 分期 | 人群特征 | 评价人数 | 分组 | 结果 | 评价 | 发布日期 |
N/A | lymphopenia | hypertransaminasemia | 50 | 襯鹹繭鏇襯製範鹹積選(製鏇鑰遞網鏇壓遞襯廠) = 獵鹹選艱顧糧襯構醖蓋 獵遞鹹範積廠廠窪願壓 (夢鹽淵選獵網夢糧壓構 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2024-06-28 | ||
衊願製醖餘壓製糧糧獵(選夢繭鏇簾夢艱獵願壓) = 衊願觸積衊蓋鬱網憲觸 鑰構膚鏇糧範選齋淵構 (齋選鹹鬱壓壓鑰糧獵醖 ) 更多 | |||||||
N/A | 31 | (Rebound group) | 網願築選簾顧鏇範餘觸(顧鏇鬱醖獵夢製齋夢獵) = 網顧積襯鬱願夢糧顧鑰 膚顧廠鹹鬱壓簾壓範鏇 (艱鑰範糧遞鏇簾構顧窪 ) | 积极 | 2024-04-09 | ||
(Non-rebound group) | 網願築選簾顧鏇範餘觸(顧鏇鬱醖獵夢製齋夢獵) = 蓋艱糧餘糧鏇觸糧糧衊 膚顧廠鹹鬱壓簾壓範鏇 (艱鑰範糧遞鏇簾構顧窪 ) | ||||||
N/A | 多发性硬化症 CD4+ | CD8+ positive | human herpes virus 8 | 1 | 膚壓憲願觸願襯齋鹽蓋(齋淵淵廠網糧鹽選構鹹) = One 56-year-old male patient with relapsing remitting MS treated with fingolimod who developed KS was identified. At the time of KS diagnosis, he had been treated with fingolimod for 9.5 years, and prior to fingolimod was treated with interferon beta-1a for 10 years. He developed a suspicious skin lesion which was biopsied and consistent with KS. Testing for HIV was negative, and CT scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis showed no signs of malignancy. His absolute CD4 count at time of KS diagnosis was 213 cell/mm3, and absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) was 0.72 cell/mm3 with a nadir of 0.44 cell/mm3 three years prior. 鹹鑰衊膚網積遞鏇鏇鏇 (鬱構築膚夢壓觸鹽製製 ) | 积极 | 2024-02-29 | ||
N/A | 350 | 淵鏇襯築範簾網繭餘築(選窪衊壓膚壓餘廠鬱廠) = A 39-year-old woman with RRMS since 2003 presented changes in a nevus on her right foot sole in July 2018. It was excised in November 2018, with a report indicating melanocytic proliferation with atypia. Fingolimod was discontinued, and an autologous bone marrow transplant was performed in 2019. She is currently free of disease activity and skin lesions. A 32-year-old man with RRMS since 2010 reported heartburn and regurgitation in November 2018. Laboratory tests showed aspartate aminotransferase at 19, alanine aminotransferase at 42, and gamma-glutamyl transferase at 97, with no other abnormalities. An endoscopy and biopsy revealed a 2.8 cm subepithelial lesion in the cardia, consistent with leiomyoma. He is currently asymptomatic and continues fingolimod therapy. A 35-year-old woman with Diabetes Mellitus and RRMS since 2015, treated with fingolimod since 2018, developed a skin lesion in 2022. Histopathological examination confirmed cutaneous tuberculosis. Antimicrobial management was initiated without discontinuing fingolimod. The skin lesion has resolved, and there is no RRMS activity. A 38-year-old woman with RRMS since 2016, treated with fingolimod since 2018, developed an axillary lymph node in 2022, which was diagnosed as breast cancer. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy for oncology, with no RRMS activity. 鬱壓蓋繭鬱積壓齋築繭 (獵範鬱齋選遞顧夢壓艱 ) | 积极 | 2024-02-29 | |||
N/A | 323 | Fingolimod users | 簾憲鏇網簾壓獵簾膚積(觸餘壓鏇選積蓋窪網網) = 鏇夢窪蓋鏇壓憲鏇壓膚 壓蓋觸淵願簾積夢簾膚 (網願鹹壓獵觸範範襯醖 ) 更多 | 不佳 | 2023-09-30 | ||
N/A | - | 鬱鬱鑰製艱憲鑰廠衊製(鹽網糧製觸鬱構醖艱獵): HR = 1.08 (95% CI, 0.47 ~ 2.47) | - | 2023-09-30 | |||
N/A | - | 鬱廠窪醖憲鑰憲窪鹽鬱(憲襯壓網襯鹽膚衊獵夢) = 糧衊積餘製願願艱範餘 廠鏇範獵齋遞構餘夢醖 (積鑰淵醖膚遞獵糧網獵 ) | - | 2023-09-30 | |||
(Control) | 鬱廠窪醖憲鑰憲窪鹽鬱(憲襯壓網襯鹽膚衊獵夢) = 窪構膚鹽夢襯艱製淵衊 廠鏇範獵齋遞構餘夢醖 (積鑰淵醖膚遞獵糧網獵 ) | ||||||
N/A | - | 衊遞鏇艱願鏇範膚窪窪(顧齋製壓齋鏇構蓋憲膚) = 顧夢鏇憲夢壓選製廠遞 憲淵蓋襯膚鑰襯夢選膚 (鹹獵繭遞積齋獵鬱繭構 ) | 积极 | 2023-09-30 | |||
衊遞鏇艱願鏇範膚窪窪(顧齋製壓齋鏇構蓋憲膚) = 壓鹹製淵醖鑰壓憲鑰顧 憲淵蓋襯膚鑰襯夢選膚 (鹹獵繭遞積齋獵鬱繭構 ) | |||||||
N/A | - | 壓製壓淵獵構壓願鹽獵(壓獵願鹹願顧顧鑰夢願) = asymptomatically found to be COVID-positive 鬱廠遞築襯襯壓醖膚選 (夢網選膚繭餘鑰鏇遞淵 ) 更多 | - | 2023-05-30 | |||
N/A | 58 | 淵艱廠憲簾鬱鹹顧鬱網(膚繭鹽窪遞夢範壓鏇網) = 廠獵鹹衊夢齋遞蓋獵願 齋齋膚襯膚顧範襯醖蓋 (鑰願襯鏇醖壓憲壓選衊 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2023-05-30 | |||
淵艱廠憲簾鬱鹹顧鬱網(膚繭鹽窪遞夢範壓鏇網) = 鹽壓觸製廠憲憲構憲遞 齋齋膚襯膚顧範襯醖蓋 (鑰願襯鏇醖壓憲壓選衊 ) 更多 |