最高研发阶段批准上市 |
首次获批日期2009-08-13 |
作用机制β1-adrenergic receptor拮抗剂 |
最高研发阶段批准上市 |
首次获批日期1996-04-04 |
非在研适应症- |
最高研发阶段批准上市 |
首次获批日期1990-12-13 |
安全性和耐受性:在已完成研究3101-303-002(CM)的中国参与者中,评价atogepant 60 mg每日一次持续12周用于预防偏头痛的安全性和耐受性。
疗效:在中国CM参与者中,评价atogepant 60 mg每日一次持续给药12周用于预防偏头痛的疗效。
Study of White Adipose Tissue Remodeling by Cryolipolysis in Humans
The sample will comprise 12 adult women (aged 18 to 40 years) and overweight (BMI> 24.9 kg / m² and <30.0 kg / m²). The experimental design will consist of four assessments. In the first assessments a structured questionnaire will be applied to obtain health and food consumption data, in addition to evaluate anthropometric (weight, height, waist and hip circumference), and collection of blood. In addition, an ultrasound examination, digital photography and biopsy of the subcutaneous WAT, of the abdominal region, will be performed. After 30 day subjects will undergo CoolSculpting treatment(s) in an outpatient clinical setting. The treatment is comprised of timed segments of cooling and heating; a vacuum treatment may include an optional massage. Treatments will be administered according to the User Manual CoolSculpting System. The volunteers will return for the biopsy of the subcutaneous WAT, from the abdominal region, in 3 days after the procedure. In 4º assessment, 60 days after cryolipolysis, all evaluations performed in the first assessment will be repeated and to evaluate overall patient satisfaction for non-invasive fat reduction in CoolSculpting subjects.
Combination Facial Aesthetic Treatment in Millennials
With 63% of consumers willing to consider investing in facial aesthetics and 73% of consumers worldwide expecting to invest in aesthetic treatments in the upcoming year, it is imperative to explore patient satisfaction and psychosocial impact of a multimodal aesthetic treatment in a millennial cohort. The investigators hypothesize that a combination approach to facial aesthetic treatment in a millennial cohort will result in increased patient-reported satisfaction in multiple areas, including perception of aging concerns and quality of life.
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100 项与 Allergan Sales LLC 相关的转化医学