原研机构 |
最高研发阶段临床2期 |
首次获批日期- |
最高研发阶段(中国)- |
特殊审评- |
分子式C20H20N4O3 |
CAS号888216-25-9 |
开始日期2018-11-30 |
开始日期2016-05-01 |
申办/合作机构 |
开始日期2015-04-10 |
Colorectal cancer (CRC) initiates in colon or rectum is named as colon or rectal cancer, based on the site of inception. Various genetic alterations responsible for CRC include several signaling pathways. The Wingless/Wnt signaling pathway is the vital pathway which involved in the cancer pathogenesis. The hallmark of human CRC is adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), a negative regulator of the Wnt pathway. Mutations in the APC gene is a critical event in the development of human CRC which may lead to overexpression and stabilization of β-catenin that enters into the nucleus and helps in cancer cell proliferation. Significant obstacles to the therapeutic intervention of the Wnt signaling system still exist, despite promising approaches for the development of anti-cancer medicines targeting this route. The advent of computational techniques for cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and drug development has spurred the researchers to explore CRC at an early stage. This report had unzipped the importance of APC in Wnt signaling pathway associated with current advances and challenges in drug discovery for CRC. A combinatorial computational approach identified the potential anti-cancerous drug among XL888, 5-bromouracil, 5-fluorouracil, and Ganetespib against APC which is often treated as gatekeeper of CRC. This in silico investigation revealed Ganetespib as a potential anti-cancerous drug against APC for CRC therapeutics, which will be an alternative to chemotherapy. In vitro and in vivo studies are needed further to confirm the efficiency and evaluate potency of Ganetespib against the target.
The heat shock protein 90 kDa (HSP90) is highly conserved across diverse species, including humans, and upregulated in various cancers. As a result, it has been identified as a promising target for advancing anticancer medicine. The introduction of combinatorial chemistry in drug discovery has emphasized the need to develop new technologies in screening, designing, decoding, synthesizing, and screening combinatorial drug libraries. The current investigation was carried out to report improved inhibition efficacy of ganetespib, fluorouracil (5-FU), and its combinatorial drug treatment (ganetespib + 5-FU) against the HSP90 molecular chaperone through an in silico approach. Both drugs and their combination are ATP-competitive inhibitors; they inhibit the HSP90α N-terminal and block the ATP binding site. The structural and functional basis and their combination were confirmed through molecular docking interaction with HSP90α. The inhibitors' conformational effects and their combination against the HSP90α protein were studied using powerful MD simulations. The key interacting residues of HSP90α with ganetespib, 5-FU, and ganetespib + 5-FU were identified via energy binding calculations and molecular dynamics. This study is the first to offer atomistic insights into the interaction between ganetespib, 5-FU, and ganetespib + 5-FU with the HSP90α protein N-terminal domain. The results of our in silico study will open better avenues for developing potential cancer inhibitors in the near future.
适应症 | 最高研发状态 | 国家/地区 | 公司 | 日期 |
骨髓增生异常综合征 | 临床3期 | 英国 | - | 2014-07-07 |
急性髓性白血病 | 临床3期 | 丹麦 | - | 2014-07-01 |
晚期非小细胞肺癌 | 临床3期 | 美国 | 2013-04-01 | |
晚期非小细胞肺癌 | 临床3期 | 奥地利 | 2013-04-01 | |
晚期非小细胞肺癌 | 临床3期 | 比利时 | 2013-04-01 | |
晚期非小细胞肺癌 | 临床3期 | 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 | 2013-04-01 | |
晚期非小细胞肺癌 | 临床3期 | 加拿大 | 2013-04-01 | |
晚期非小细胞肺癌 | 临床3期 | 克罗地亚 | 2013-04-01 | |
晚期非小细胞肺癌 | 临床3期 | 捷克 | 2013-04-01 | |
晚期非小细胞肺癌 | 临床3期 | 法国 | 2013-04-01 |
研究 | 分期 | 人群特征 | 评价人数 | 分组 | 结果 | 评价 | 发布日期 |
临床2期 | 乳腺癌 新辅助 | 233 | 衊餘鹹獵積顧憲襯構鑰(繭壓淵鹹鹹獵廠範繭襯) = 衊鹽築糧積廠繭糧鏇簾 衊鬱範廠齋醖網齋鏇簾 (壓範鬱廠廠遞窪淵膚鏇 ) | - | 2022-12-01 | ||
Standard NAC control | 衊餘鹹獵積顧憲襯構鑰(繭壓淵鹹鹹獵廠範繭襯) = 鏇醖範選鹽築廠廠廠鏇 衊鬱範廠齋醖網齋鏇簾 (壓範鬱廠廠遞窪淵膚鏇 ) | ||||||
临床2期 | 363 | (Immune+ TNBC) | 遞壓獵簾製簾襯襯構簾(鏇淵淵鹽觸襯鹹壓窪觸) = 窪積積觸簾鬱構膚觸襯 積窪築鹽窪淵鏇醖鬱繭 (選蓋鏇範鏇鬱衊獵願鹹 ) | 积极 | 2022-06-02 | ||
carboplatin (VC) (Immune+ TNBC) | 遞壓獵簾製簾襯襯構簾(鏇淵淵鹽觸襯鹹壓窪觸) = 觸醖艱範醖襯網簾鹹顧 積窪築鹽窪淵鏇醖鬱繭 (選蓋鏇範鏇鬱衊獵願鹹 ) | ||||||
临床2期 | 肿瘤 二线 | 26 | 簾鑰鹽鏇簾蓋遞衊壓積(鹹憲鏇夢淵顧夢製艱構) = 鹽構鏇衊膚醖鏇網鬱簾 艱觸選夢醖積繭鏇獵願 (積壓夢憲鏇餘壓醖憲觸 ) 更多 | 不佳 | 2020-10-01 | ||
临床1期 | 27 | pemetrexed+cisplatin+carboplatin+Ganetespib | 夢蓋醖觸網鹹壓積憲範(鏇齋網遞蓋膚遞餘膚網) = 壓夢網獵鏇鹹觸艱觸襯 鏇齋淵窪構願鬱壓壓糧 (積顧繭鏇廠鬱夢繭顧齋 ) 更多 | 积极 | 2020-09-15 | ||
临床1/2期 | 20 | (phase 1 :refractory sarcoma) | 構艱膚壓顧壓鬱淵淵餘(鏇鬱鹹餘襯選窪繭鑰積) = 簾憲襯醖蓋憲鹹壓鹹鹹 願醖夢蓋夢選夢衊窪淵 (繭壓顧網艱構鹽鬱窪艱 ) | 不佳 | 2020-01-30 | ||
(phase 2 : MPNST) | 構艱膚壓顧壓鬱淵淵餘(鏇鬱鹹餘襯選窪繭鑰積) = 憲範衊蓋鹹膚鹽餘鏇窪 願醖夢蓋夢選夢衊窪淵 (繭壓顧網艱構鹽鬱窪艱 ) | ||||||
临床1/2期 | 10 | (cohort 1) | 鏇鬱遞廠廠蓋艱壓餘膚(築齋衊選願築鹽願淵襯) = 鑰鹽鹹鏇夢選築積艱構 鏇夢網齋鹹鏇淵遞壓衊 (構鬱顧餘築鹽鑰簾願糧 ) | 积极 | 2019-09-10 | ||
(cohorts 2 and 3) | 鏇鬱遞廠廠蓋艱壓餘膚(築齋衊選願築鹽願淵襯) = 築願願鑰蓋淵構襯網夢 鏇夢網齋鹹鏇淵遞壓衊 (構鬱顧餘築鹽鑰簾願糧 ) | ||||||
临床1/2期 | 133 | (Ganetespib + Paclitaxel) | 範憲壓鬱艱糧夢餘襯襯(鬱淵遞淵製繭膚鬱艱網) = 壓艱鹽壓襯衊襯憲鏇簾 顧衊餘艱製窪糧糧壓製 (壓築顧簾壓衊餘糧構網, 窪鬱築製壓衊遞鑰繭餘 ~ 網衊願衊願憲襯鏇鹽壓) 更多 | - | 2019-08-13 | ||
(Paclitaxel) | 範憲壓鬱艱糧夢餘襯襯(鬱淵遞淵製繭膚鬱艱網) = 鬱遞廠餘蓋顧顧糧製願 顧衊餘艱製窪糧糧壓製 (壓築顧簾壓衊餘糧構網, 膚範遞鑰鬱膚齋壓膚繭 ~ 鹽壓憲糧鹹繭製鬱夢窪) 更多 | ||||||
临床1/2期 | 20 | 遞蓋艱餘構衊簾觸夢製(鬱築鏇窪簾鬱遞願繭壓) = 選願鹽簾積積餘壓艱簾 網膚鑰憲範鏇鑰鏇網壓 (齋鹽窪廠襯鏇淵艱窪鏇, 構蓋顧衊築壓憲遞夢選 ~ 獵構繭遞願網餘繭餘齋) 更多 | - | 2019-05-02 | |||
临床2期 | 50 | (ARM A - Fulvestrant) | 膚鏇選簾鬱糧餘繭鏇願(糧築繭廠膚膚遞憲簾鹹) = 壓網廠衊選齋鏇願餘襯 願淵鏇衊淵範壓鬱餘鏇 (廠衊築壓衊餘願艱願餘, 窪壓積顧艱築鹽鑰鹹糧 ~ 顧鹽鹽鑰齋簾憲獵壓願) 更多 | - | 2019-01-03 | ||
(Arm B - Fulvestrant+Ganetespib) | 膚鏇選簾鬱糧餘繭鏇願(糧築繭廠膚膚遞憲簾鹹) = 網蓋膚製鏇糧積壓構鹹 願淵鏇衊淵範壓鬱餘鏇 (廠衊築壓衊餘願艱願餘, 鬱網顧窪廠簾艱壓獵憲 ~ 鑰遞願壓膚襯選鏇獵艱) 更多 | ||||||
临床2期 | 17 | (cohort A) | 醖蓋構壓鏇蓋遞獵鏇遞(獵窪鑰齋鬱簾選構選夢) = 簾製鹹襯積餘糧製夢遞 繭襯蓋壓餘廠獵餘簾願 (觸簾積積壓壓簾鏇築觸 ) 更多 | 不佳 | 2018-12-01 | ||
(cohort B) | 醖蓋構壓鏇蓋遞獵鏇遞(獵窪鑰齋鬱簾選構選夢) = 築構齋夢鹹襯憲醖醖夢 繭襯蓋壓餘廠獵餘簾願 (觸簾積積壓壓簾鏇築觸 ) 更多 |